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Open for applications

Open for applications

Open for applications

Best deal in the world

Best deal in the world

Best deal in the world

Soma Capital S24 Fellowship

Soma Capital S24 Fellowship

Soma Capital S24 Fellowship

Apply to receive 100k uncapped

Apply to receive 100k uncapped

There have been 11 $100b+ businesses started in the US since 1990. There will undoubtedly be more over the next decades ahead - our mission is to partner with all of them. We believe that the best generational builders bring the following core traits:

  • Ruthless efficiency

  • Maniacal sense of urgency

  • 10x product differentiation

  • Customer obsessed

  • Technically brilliant

  • Fearless, relentless, high pain threshold

  • Learning machine - voracious intellectual curiosity

  • See the future - predict huge wave of a platform shift

If accepted, teams have the opportunity to receive $100k in funding from Soma Capital at the most founder-friendly terms possible. Soma Cap has the firepower to keep supporting you across the full path to IPO and the early stages are just the beginning for us

If this is you, we want to support the mission!

Companies we've funded

Companies we've funded

Program overview & logistics

Program overview & logistics

The program consists of sessions over the course of a few weeks to get started with the building journey and scale enduring companies. The Soma team will become your best allies to establish company foundations and make a huge dent in the universe with a product that touches billions, leveraging our years of experience building and working with the top companies of our generation. The program also culminates in a demo day where founders get to showcase their products in front of potential customers, investors and the community. Programming activities are included but not limited to:

Our pitch

  • Best deal in the world: $100k uncapped, no board seats, no ownership targets, minimized dilution

  • We can help you swiftly incorporate and get set up

  • We’ll get you all your first customers. We have +700 portfolio co’s to start introducing you to, and unmatched Fortune 500 company connections (see below)

  • We’ll help you hire with unmatched talent network access. We have “scouts” on all the top undergrad campuses to help you cherry pick top talent

  • We can help put future rounds together as needed - we’ll bring you optionality, as we’re backed by key partners from places like Sequoia, NEA, Insight, Iconiq, IVP, DST, Tiger, Greenoaks, B Cap etc

How to apply

Any interested teams should fill out this link here which includes questions on your company, progress, founding team, and a short video pitch! Finalists will be interviewed and selected based on holistic review of interactions and materials


April 12th - April 30th

Applications open

Rolling acceptances until start date

May 6th


Most teams will be notified by May 6th

May 13th - June 22nd


Join sessions from May 13th - June 22nd

June 28th


TBA following programming completion

How are teams chosen?

We’re looking for technical, brilliant entrepreneurs: you’ve been building stuff your whole life, you have a unique ability to “see the matrix” where the world is heading, and you have ideas on major pain points and you’re fired up to solve them by building software. You have an ability to sell and articulate a crystal clear vision and inspire others to organize around you and you’re not hungry, but starving to relentlessly create and make the biggest dent in the universe imaginable. You’re fearless, confident, know how to balance taking feedback with being unshakeable in unique outlier views, you have strong and inspiring technical skills, a competitive “will to win” and you dream massive - because dreams are future realities.

What no “program” or VC will ever tell you

What no “program” or VC will ever tell you

Many of the most influential companies in human history raised 0 VC:

Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Sam Walton, Henry Ford, Estee Lauder, Bernard Arnault, Emancio Ortega, James Dyson, etc.

Technologists like Bill Hewlett and David Packard, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Marc Benioff, all raised $0 VC (small friends and family early rounds). Google and Apple raised very little (~20m), Amazon raised less than $10m. These are multi hundred billion to trillion dollar companies! And even today Midjourney (one of the top grossing Gen AI startups) raised $0 VC.

The VC job is to sell money, and convince LPs (their limited partner investors) that startups need a lot of capital so they can keep raising huge funds and take fat fees. VCs’ job is to also convince founders to take as much capital as possible - LPs force them to have “ownership targets” or they won’t invest, and VCs need to show they’re able to take big chunks of companies, take board seats, and exert lots of unique influence over direction and execution.

The next generational founders in the next decades ahead will think from first principles, they will see through this, and they will arise from constrained circumstances which breeds discipline, resourcefulness, creativity, customer obsessions, and 10x differentiation. They will be insanely efficient, capital efficient, and dilution sensitive.

Our goal is to give you the best deal in the world, $100k uncapped, minimize your dilution, help you protect your cap table, while then bringing completely unmatched second to none 0 to IPO connections and insights pouring fuel on the fire the entire trajectory. We will be your most uniquely connected, hardest hustling ally on the cap table, your “24/7 outsourced chief of staff,” and build lifelong partnerships and friendships. We believe in work-life harmony, and every detail of your life is a key component in your process to defining a category and building something massive and meaningful, hence there is no detail too small or large to send our way - give us your “impossible asks” and we will relentlessly execute for you.

Soma value adds  

Soma value adds  


Soma Cap has invested in +700 startups across all sectors and geographies, many of which can be your first customers.


Soma Cap has invested in +700 startups across all sectors and geographies, many of which can be your first customers.

Key Unicorn Mentors

Soma Cap has invested early in over 11 unicorn breakout companies across all sectors and geographies - get mentorship from founders of legendary startups like Ramp, Deel, Ironclad, Razorpay, Cruise, Rappi, Kalshi, Coda, and many more.

Key Unicorn Mentors

Soma Cap has invested early in over 11 unicorn breakout companies across all sectors and geographies - get mentorship from founders of legendary startups like Ramp, Deel, Ironclad, Razorpay, Cruise, Rappi, Kalshi, Coda, and many more.

World Class Soma Fellows Supporters

The first two cohorts of Soma fellows went on to raise funds from Tier 1 institutional investors, others went on to join Y Combinator’s Summer 2022 and Winter 2023 batches

World Class Soma Fellows Supporters

The first two cohorts of Soma fellows went on to raise funds from Tier 1 institutional investors, others went on to join Y Combinator’s Summer 2022 and Winter 2023 batches

Strong VC alliances

We work very closely with top investors who have led rounds of Soma portfolio companies (tens of billions!). Some are also investors in Soma, aka our alliances are strong!

Strong VC alliances

We work very closely with top investors who have led rounds of Soma portfolio companies (tens of billions!). Some are also investors in Soma, aka our alliances are strong!

Strong Soma Cap Friendships at YC

We have 16 years of close friendships with YC founders and partners helping companies in the ecosystem, we can help give you the “playbook” to optimize your shot of getting accepted if of interest. We have a high track record hit rate helping our Soma Fellows get accepted to YC and we can also help you sign up YC alumni startups as customers both inside and outside our portfolio.

Strong Soma Cap Friendships at YC

We have 16 years of close friendships with YC founders and partners helping companies in the ecosystem, we can help give you the “playbook” to optimize your shot of getting accepted if of interest. We have a high track record hit rate helping our Soma Fellows get accepted to YC and we can also help you sign up YC alumni startups as customers both inside and outside our portfolio.

Read more on our value adds